June 2019

Here are all the pictures taken in May, 2019

Here are all the pictures taken in June, 2019.

June 1st, 2019
For all my peeps still searching to rescue me, here is what our campsite looks like.

Today, my pesky little friend returned.  I watched him/her closely.  This is a chipmunk.
Later today we will all watch a sermon dad downloaded, take a nap together and enjoy the Sabbath Day.

June 2, 2019
I'm getting used to this being left alone.  Mom and dad took a drive on Utah Highway 14, a scenic byway.  See the pictures inside the June folder above.  They went above 9900 feet.  That's high!!
They also went to this cool place called Mammoth Cave in Utah.  It was created by lava flowing and melting the rock under ground.  It's a lava river!!
See the pictures here.

June 3rd, 2019
Today, everybody stayed home and watched me watch the jack rabbits, the chipmunk, the prairie dog family of 8, the birds, two deer and 1 Pronghorn graze and/or play near our house. This campground is surrounded by either county land or state land.  At sundown I watch 6 different jack rabbits playing in the grass out behind our house.  It looked like fun!!  But, I don't do outside.

June 4th, 2019
I understand now why it is taking you (my peeps) so long to rescue me.  I finally plotted all the places in May 2019 we have been to, on a map.  There is "no rhyme or reason" to dad's driving.  Or stopping!  He's all over the map.  But the blue circled dot is where we are now!  I over heard we are traveling North.  So look for me there!!!  I don't know where we are going or what we are doing.  But I know I will not like it!!!

June 5th, 2019
Today is a moving day.  I heard we are moving further North.  I so wanted to lay around and do nothing!!  I enjoy doing nothing!!
Well, dad again drove on the bumpy'ist road he could find.  We drove to Piute Campground at the Puite Reservoir outside of Junction Utah.

This is a Utah State Park with no facilities.  Meaning, no electric, no water and no sewer.  But, this motor home is self contained, so this is not a problem for at least 5 days.
I'm going to ask you to take your time getting here.  This spot is right on the water with lots of birds and fish!  I like fresh fish.  We are in the shade with a great breeze, so I think tonight there will be lots of "friends" coming to drink.  Maybe deer, elk, coyotes and maybe bears!

June 6th, 2019
This morning we sat around until late morning, listening to all the birds.  I thought we were going to stay.  But NO!  Dad decided to move us up the road.  Luckily, we traveled less than an hour.  (I know because it was a short nap)  We stopped at Big Rock Candy Campground in Marysvale, Utah.
We have mountains all around us!!  We also have this very fast moving river called the Sevier River behind us.  When I go fishing tonight, I'll have to be careful I don't fall in!  I hope there are lots of fish.

June 7th, 2019
After breakfast, mom took the jeep across the RV Park and did laundry.  Everything!!  She was gone a long time.  While she was gone, dad bothered me and would not let me sleep.  I'm putting this on the list!!!
Finally, after lunch they took the jeep and went "jeep-in" on the Old Pittsburg Road out behind the campground.  They never got stuck but they tried to a couple of times.  They saw an old abandoned mine.  Maybe gold was inside.  If I could find me some, I could buy my way back home.  Or pay you!

Then on the way back they stopped off at Canopy Zip Tour.  They said they had a lot of fun.

They Zipped lined on 6 different lines and went over the Sevier river.  I don't do water!!  They looked like they were very high.  I'm not scared of heights, but this looks scary.

June 8th, 2019
Today is Sabbath.  We always go to church (or stay home if there is no church) and watch a sermon.  We then take a nap.

June 11th, 2019
I'm upset.  Very upset!!  Without asking me, they moved me from that ATV noisy world to Maple Grove National Campground.

A 6500 feet of total off the grid world.  No TV, no telephone and no Internet.  How are you to find me if I can't tell you where we are?  However, there were birds, chipmunks or squirrels and who knows what else I have to keep an eye out for.  This place was way up close to the side of a mountain.

I was concerned it would fall on us.  Here are all the pictures of Maple Grove.

There was a creek nearby.  I know I saw fish in it! Well, maybe not from my location.  But I bet there are fish in it!!  I heard them!!

June 13th, 2019
We have been at Salina Creek RV Park for 2 days now.
Dad picked up a cold/ sore throat/ runny nose/ itchy eyes thingy.  He's been sleeping a lot and taking all kinds of things.  But I think he is feeling better now.
This is a very small RV park.  Great for an overnight stop.  But it has a lot of stray cats that live here.  There is nothing here but the stray cats.  Mom did take a tour of the Redman Sea Salt mines, just up the road.  It's better salt for you than the regular iodine table salt.

After breakfast, without consulting me, they packed up Lily and moved again.  I was scared, so I hid under the blanket on the bed.  I didn't want to see all those beautiful mountains dad was "racing" up and down on Interstate 70.  It was cool in the mountains, but when we came out of them, it got hot!!  94 degrees hot!!  Finally they pulled into Ballard RV Park in Thompson Springs Utah and turned on the air conditioner.
As you can see, this is another gravel parking lot with RV pedestals.  But, the price is right.  Very poor WiFi, 6 TV channels off the cable, but very good phone reception.  We will be here for a whole week while mom and dad go out visiting Arches NP, Moab, Dead Horse State Park, Sego Canyon Rock Art, Canyonlands and an old abandoned missile base.  Of course they will go to church here.  So, you "my Peeps" will have lots of opportunities to rescue me.  I'll ask dad to leave the door unlocked!!

June 14th, 2019
Today was a strange day!  Dad was up at the office at 9 am and almost got bit by the maintenance guy's dog.  I thought all dogs have to be on a leash.  Then for no reason (other than to get away from loose dogs) they moved me across the RV park.
After all that drama, mom and dad left me alone, to sleep.  They went down the road to an old abandoned missile base called Green River Missile Site.  The history on this location is just fascinating.  Here are all the pictures they took.
After lunch they left me again.  This time they went up the road to look at old Indian pictures.  They went to Sego Canyon Rock Art.  Here are all the  pictures they took.
When they came home AGAIN, mom cooked brownies with icing for church.  She knows I love her brownies.  But she never gives me any.  That too is going on the list!!

June 15th, 2019
Today is Sabbath, so once again I get left at home while everybody else goes to church.  Dad, just to aggravate me, left that noisy air conditioner on while he was gone.  That's going on the list!  When they finally did get home they took a nap.  Luckily, they got up in time to feed me.  Dad did play with me before they went to sleep.  That was fun!!

June 16th, 2019
After breakfast I was left alone.  This time they left me while they went to Sego Canyon.  It was just up the road a few miles, but they got to see one building of a old coal mining operation in the 1890's.
Here are some pictures they took.
Here is a video of the canyon.

After lunch they then left me again.  This time they went to an abandoned town called CISCO.  Cisco Utah is a ghost town.  It looks like a graffiti and squatter's town to me. 
Then they went down South to the Colorado river to see a suspension bridge in Dewey Utah.  It was the home of the longest suspension bridge west of the Mississippi.  Until it was burned down by a 6 year old kid playing with matches and not being watched by his parents.
Here are some pictures they took of Cisco and Dewey.

After they came home to feed me (just in time I might add) mom made the house smell good by cooking bread.  I like it when the house smells good!!

June 17th, 2019
After my breakfast of leftover egg yokes from my dad's plate, I was allowed to go back to bed.  I was alone so nobody said I couldn't.  So I did!  Mom and dad left to go drive/hike around at Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point.
Here are the pictures.

Canyonlands is a national park.  Here is some cool information.
Dead Horse Point is a state park.  Here is some cool information.
They got back after it was time to feed me.  I'm going to have to have a talk with mom. She's slipping on her job.  I have no doubt dad is a been a bad influence on her.  I must put that down on the list!!!

June 18th, 2019
Today was another day where I got to lay around and sleep without anybody bothering me!  Mom and dad went to Arches National Park.  The spent the whole day there.

To me it's just a bunch of rocks!!  Here are some pictures they took.

However, they did get home in time to feed me.  That was good.

June 20, 2019
Today, mom and dad surprised me with moving.  This time we moved East to Grand Junction Colorado.  This place is not the "high desert" view's that the Moab area has.  This place actually has trees, some mountains in the distance, and bigger RV spaces.  The trees means birds.  Maybe I'll like this Colorado!  Although, we are staying at another "over priced gravel parking lot with RV receptacles".  But, it is nicer than most of the gravel parking lots we've stayed at. There is not much to see here!!
I have heard some birds that people call Peacocks.  I don't know what a Peacock is.  I think I will have to look into this Peacock thing.

June 21, 2019
Mom and dad left me alone again.  But this time they went shopping.  That's good.  I like food!!
There is very little to watch here.  A couple of birds.  Only a few.  I'm not sure why there is only a few.  There are some dogs here.  Maybe there chasing all the birds away.

I found the Peacocks.  They live on a farm just over the back fence.  I've never seen a Peacock before!  They sure are pretty.

June 22nd, 2019
Mom and dad went to church today.  When they got home we all took a nap together.  That was good!!

June 23rd, 2019
Well mom and dad tricked me again.  After I ate my breakfast of left over egg yokes, They packed up the house to move.  That's OK.  There was nothing here to look at.  We only moved about 50 miles south to Delta Colorado.  We are now staying at Valley Sunset RV Park.
As you can see, this place has big trees and lots of grass.  That means birds galore!!!!  It's also snowing here.  Well, snowing Cottonwood tree seeds.  Lots and lots of Cottonwood tree seeds!!!!!!

Around dinner time a group moved in next door.  The chain smoking, beer drinking, loud people are very much un-welcome!!  They scared all the birds and other animals away.  Some people!!

June 24, 2019
After my breakfast mom and dad left to take a tour of a Fort Uncompahgre.

Fort Uncompahgre was a fur trading post constructed in 1828 by Antoine Robidoux, a trader based out of Mexican Santa Fe. The post was situated about two miles down from the confluence of the Gunnison River and the Uncompahgre River, near the present day community of Delta, Colorado. Its design was more to secure goods and livestock than to be defensive, and was abandoned in 1844 when hostilities broke out between Ute and Mexicans.
A reconstruction of this fur trading post is open to the public, although the precise location of the original site has been lost and little is known about the construction or layout of the fort.
Here are some pictures they took.  While at the Fort they saw a HUGE turkey.  Did they bring me a feather?  NO!!!

After lunch mom and dad did a driving tour of the 20 different murals painted by various artists in Delta Colorado.  Here are some of the pictures.

June 25, 2019
This morning, after I was fed breakfast on the veranda,
 I took a nap!!

Mom and dad took a 47 mile trip to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison Natl. Park.
They said it was just "awesome"!!  A real hidden gem of a National park.  Here's some pictures.

June 26th, 2019
Today, mom and dad left me alone so they could go out "Jeepin"!!  They went to Domingues-Escalante Nation Conservation Area.  They said they went on two different trails.  This first trail was only 7 miles one way but took them over an hour to do.  Mostly because they had to go slow.  The roads were bumpy but very passable for a Jeep.  There was a lot of farming.  Many cattle ranches with hay or wheat fields.
 The second trip...That was another story.  They started on Rattlesnake Gulch road.  That in itself should have stopped them.  But no!!  They  followed the road to the Gunnison river which had some railroad tracks next to it.  That was pretty cool, but no trains.  Then it got scary!  The road became very rough with lots of ruts.  Then it went up.  And up! and up!  It went up a mountain side with lots of rocks.  It's a good thing Bart (the jeep) has 4 wheel drive.  Because, with the 4 wheel drive and mom praying very hard, they made it.  Well, they made it to a spot where they could turn around and go down the mountain.  Then they were safe!  Safe so they could come home and feed me.  Here is 8 minutes of snippets of a Jeep ride today.  It was scary and adventurous all at the same time!!!

June 27, 2019
Mom and dad did a little business here at the house.  Then they left me alone to go to the Gunnison River Road or East Portal Road inside the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.  When viewed from above, this steep road looks as if it was a spaghetti noodle carelessly flung onto the canyon floor. Those making their way along East Portal's hairpin turns and switchbacks drop 2,000 feet in elevation and get to see the canyon from a whole new angle.  Fly fishing is allowed with the proper permits.  I'm a cat, I don't need a permit!!  I'd have showed those fisherman how to catch fish!!!  Here's some pictures.
Here's a short video of the Gunnison River Road or East Portal Road.

June 28th, 2019
Today mom and dad stayed home and played with me.  That was fun!!  Until I got tired.  Then I stopped and took a nap.
They went out to dinner after they fed me.  A very nice Mexican restaurant named Fiesta Vallarta.  They brought home leftovers, but I don't do spicy.

June 29th, 2019
Today is Sabbath.  Mom & dad went to a local SDA church here in Delta.  There were no children to play with.  They all must be on vacation.  The congregation was mostly older people but very very friendly.

June 30th, 2019
Late late in the morning we moved 35 miles to Centennial RV Park south of Montrose Co.  It was a very short trip.  Actually, several short trips.  They stopped for gas and food.  I like it when we stop for food!!  However, just about the time I would get to sleep, dad would "rock the boat" again.  Right now we are at 6350 feet above sea level.  It is very nice outside.  We have this great tree over us and a patch of grass outside our door.  I will play with lots of birds and maybe a rabbit or two.  Ooo, maybe a deer from the field will come by and say hi!!  Deer's have funny white butts.
This afternoon, mommy made bread.  That made the house smell good.  She's a pretty good cook.  Plus she feeds me everyday.  I like that!!!!!!!!!!!!


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